Create New ADFS App

Login to your account at (or register if you do not already have an account).

Then click on your project and go to Applications > + Add App. Choose OIDC App Type. MIRACL Trust ADFS plugin communicates with MIRACL Trust Portal using OIDC protocol which is why the application type should be OIDC.

The following endpoints need to be entered as redirect urls for your app (replace <YOUR_RADIUS_HOST> with your actual ADFS host url):

a) https://<YOUR_RADIUS_HOST>/adfs/ls/ This endpoint is called by client applications to request sign-on with ADFS.

b) https://<YOUR_RADIUS_HOST>/adfs/ls/wia This endpoint is called during Windows Integrated Authentication (WIA), allowing login without username and password during Primary authentication.

c) https://<YOUR_RADIUS_HOST>/adfs/ls/idpinitiatedsignon This endpoint is called by a user logging in directly to ADFS.

The following screenshot shows an app being created in the portal:

Client ID can be grabbed from the settings screen above at any time. Note that your Client Secret is issued to you only once so it must be grabbed when first displayed: